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Paperless Tax Workflow Readiness Now - to Streamline Efficiencies and Increase Productivity for Tax and Accounting Professionals. (Dec. 9, 2010)
Mobile Computing Takes the Fast Lane with CPAs. (Nov. 11)
I've Seen the Cloud from Both Sides Now: How to Keep Your Feet on the Ground When Your Head's in the Cloud. (June 2)
What I Want for Christmas – The hottest electronics for CPAs
to put to work for 2010 (Dec 9)
SaaS – 15 Key Details Every Tax & Accounting Firm Needs to
Know about Software as a Service (Nov 18)
Tax Workflow Automation – What You Need to Know for the Next
Tax Period (Dec 2)
Technology New York Show & Conference
California Accounting & Business Show & Conference
Accounting & Finance Showcase
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Join us for a complimentary one-hour Webinar:
What I Want for Christmas – The hottest
electronics for CPAs to put to work for 2010.
CPAs and consumer
electronics to work for you and your firm.
Webcast - Watch it online now!
Due to a malfunction in
Adobe’s capture engine, this recording is partial and includes
only the first 45 minutes of the webcast. We apologize for any
Download the slides (Adobe PDF format, 1.8 MB)
This session will feature CPA uber-geeks
Greg LaFollette and Brian Tankersley reviewing the hottest consumer
electronics in the profession.
Don’t miss our informative webcast:
There will be something for everyone as Greg & Brian compare
their picks.
Tune in to see and hear which gadgets and gizmos CPAs should
consider for 2010.
Rest assured they will all be interesting, fun, and most of all
affordable and useful.
New and cost-effective electronics are a way of life –
especially for time-conscious CPAs.
Greg and Brian don’t like to spend money. They’ll help you shop
at Best Buy and Amazon.
Brian F.
Tankersley, CPA.CITP
F. Tankersley, CPA.CITP is a consultant based in Knoxville,
Tennessee. He is a frequent speaker at continuing education courses
on auditing and technology for the K2 Enterprises and the American
Institute of CPAs, and is a senior faculty member with Becker
Professional Review. Brian writes and publishes a nationally
recognized blog on accounting and technology at
Tankersley’s areas of practice include accounting systems, taxation,
IT consulting, and general business consulting. Prior to forming his
own firm Brian practiced in public accounting with both
international and local firms, as well as industry.
Host and Moderator
Gregory LaFollette, CPA, CITP
Gregory L.
LaFollette, CPA.CITP is the Host of the Accounting Tech Online
Series. Mr. LaFollette has been involved with public accounting for
nearly 40 years, first as a staff member in a large regional firm,
then as partner in the local firm he founded. His prior positions
include vice president of product strategy for the Tax & Accounting
business of Thomson Reuters and editor of The CPA Technology Advisor
magazine. He is a senior manager of Tax and Technology Consulting
with the Top 25 firm of Eide Bailly, LLP. Mr. LaFollette is a
national speaker for CPA societies, state bar associations, industry
groups, and computer user groups. He has published hundreds of
articles on financial services and computer systems management. As a
pioneer in the application of technology to informing his
profession, he has produced and hosted hundreds of webcasts and
Don’t miss this
informative and timely survey of consumer electronics for CPAs.
Register today.
9” USB Monitor One lucky participant (must be in the live
audience) will win a DoubleSight 9” Smart USB Monitor.
Our thanks to DoubleSight for providing
the give-away. |